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Winterberry auction

4-10 pm, Saturday, April 20, 2024
at Kincaid Chalet


Thank you auction-goers, volunteers, donors and supporters for a beautiful night!​

Enticing items, luxury experiences, Alaska adventures and coveted art masterpieces made by each class are sold via live auction. Even more goodies and handmade creations grace the on-site silent auction tables. It’s a good night for babysitters and a great evening for generous folks who pull out all the stops to support public Waldorf education in Anchorage with camaraderie, cajoling and cash.  (The auction website takes a minute to load.)


Since 2005, Winterberry auction has sustained holistic, public Waldorf K-8 education at Winterberry with the goal of Waldorf-trained teachers in every classroom. The annual event also supplements integral school improvements and programs benefitting our children. WPG 2022-23 annual report.


Dream under the same sky ... of a school that truly honors childhood and preserves the innate love of learning residing within every student. Dream of a place where relationships form the basis for learning and play is the highest form of research (Einstein said that). Dream of.cultivating the growth of the whole child (head, heart and hands) on an timeline consistent with natural development. The dream comes true when you sustain this worthy effort to provide public Waldorf education to Anchorage's children.

Thank you 2023 auction-goers for a banner year.
198 participants contributed a record-setting $44,775 toward
Winterberry's Play Yard Improvements

"Receive the children in reverence, Educate them in love, Let them go forth in freedom."  – Rudolf Steiner is maintained by volunteers   |  WPG is a 501c3 non-profit  Tax ID# 20-3900032  | Anchorage, Alaska

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